Monday, May 28, 2012

Solar Downdraft Tunnel

Solar downdraft tower generate electricity on the fascinating principle of cooling air at 1.3 Kilometers high creating a strong downdraft to drive turbines

 Klaus Lackner at Columbia proposed such a system for ambient carbon capture.  The proposed tower use salt water to cool warm, dry air, causing it to fall. This convection current driving turbines, capturing  45% of the thermal potential energy and more than recovers the pumping energy. Israeli researchers estimate that a large plant around 1.3 Km high could generate enough electricity at prices equivalent to hydropower.  A 3000 foot project is planned for Arizona.     See article on Treehugger 

Here is a Youtube video describing the concept


 This is different than the solar updraft towers which heat air causing it to rise examined by Australia-based 

Cost for various plant configurations grabbed from Youtube frame shot (Old numbers that appear not to be inflation-adjusted)

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